(LifeNews) The undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) in 2015 were shocking to many pro-lifers, especially to those in Texas where much of the footage was obtained. We learned even more about the gruesome practices of the abortion industry: their eagerness to profit from selling body parts from aborted babies was disturbing, even for an industry that profits from ripping apart unborn babies in the womb.
Sadly, the United States Supreme Court severely limits what pro-life laws can be enacted at the state and federal level. This is due to the Court’s ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which holds that judges can strike down laws if they constitute an “undue burden” to women seeking an abortion. However, that hasn’t stopped us from trying several different approaches to promote a culture of life in Texas. One important legislative issue we have been working on in response to the CMP videos has been to require the humane disposition of aborted babies.