President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are seen Saturday, Dec. 15, in their official 2018 Christmas portrait, in the Cross Hall of the White House in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)
There’s been no claim from his leftist critics and detractors that President Trump is strategizing to take over South Africa.
So far.
Nor have there been allegations that he wants to turn Antarctica into a beach.
But someone, somewhere, has accused him of just about everything else there is, including the latest stunner, an allegation he is jealous of Jesus.
“This is just … Uhh, I’ve run out of adjectives to describe this,” said talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday.
“It’s beyond unbelievable. It’s beyond incredible. It’s indescribable, this kind of thinking.”
He reported Wednesday he was watching an interview with Olivia Nuzzi, of New York Magazine, on CNN.
“You know what she said? The magic words: ‘This is what I’m hearing from people in the White House: Trump hates Christmas parties.'”
The actual article headline is: “Donald Trump Hates Christmas Parties.”
Nuzzi writes, “While he is known to enjoy hosting large social events and rallies, current and former White House staffers say he regards presidential Christmas parties with a special loathing and goes out of his way to escape early.”
She continued, “One person close to the White House told me, ‘It makes perfect sense’ that Trump hates the entire production surrounding Christmas, ‘because it’s not about him!’ This person added, ‘If it were about him, he’d love it.'”
Limbaugh explained, “She’s got this New York Magazine piece. Donald Trump hates Christmas parties. But that’s not all. Donald Trump doesn’t even like Christmas. You know why? ‘Cause it isn’t about him. It’s about Jesus, and he can’t abide it.”
Limbaugh continued, “He can’t stand all this attention for an entire month on somebody other than him, and the infobabe on CNN interviewing her kind of cocked her head. ‘Well, that’s what people in the White House are telling me! That’s what I’m hearing from inside the White House!’ Magic words. She’s not hearing it from anybody! And if somebody did tell her that it’s a joke but the left has no sense of humor whatsoever. So, in addition to everything else – every other rotten characteristic of Donald Trump – now he’s jealous of Christ because Christ gets an entire month of attention focused on him, and Trump doesn’t get enough.”
Limbaugh said, “She was seriously selling this. She was seriously making this point. These people are… They’re out of their minds, off their rockers. They are determining policy for this country. She may be a journalist, but she’s no different than a left-wing Democrat hack. ‘Trump jealous of Jesus! Doesn’t like Christmas parties!'”
He said he just attended a Christmas party at the White House, and the president and first lady stood in front of a camera so that everyone who wants a photograph with them can have it. And the president briefly addressed those attending.
“I didn’t see anybody that was mad. Trump and the first lady were in fine form. They were greeting everybody pleasantly. So it’s just a bunch of made-up fake news,” he said.
“You how many brain-dead dummkopfs are gonna believe this once it hits social media and hits Millennial news sources? Do you know how many people gonna buy into this totally ’cause they’ve been conditioned to think this way about Trump already? We’ll find out if it’s true. You know, Trump goes to church Christmas Eve when he’s here in Palm Beach. We’ll see if he tells the pastor to scrub the Christmas sermon and do one on him.”
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