Thursday, January 3, 2019

Market Volatility Designed from the Top Down

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Trans AR-15

A stock market roller coaster on par with that of a decade ago is back, and essentially for the same reasons.  No, not just economic fundamentals involving back-breaking debt, corporate profligacies and geopolitical risks, but because said volatility and the asset destruction-slash-consolidation that results are in part due to much longer-term design.  This latest design sees the first investment banker ever to serve as head of the Fed, and one who cut his ‘creative destruction’ teeth at as politically connected of a private equity firm as exists in the global debt-drenched ether.  Despite Wall Street veterans and even the President urging Fed Chair Powell to cease or ease back on interest rate hikes into economic weakness, he’s persisting, because in his eyes, nothing is “Too Big to Fail”, as his earlier years as a Fed Governor made clear as well.

Trans AR-15