Monday, March 9, 2020

Long time no see! Average couple shares same room only 4 hours a day

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Long time no see! Average couple shares same room only 4 hours a day

(STUDY FINDS) -- LONDON — Moving in with your significant other is a big step, but if you worried you’re not ready to spend even more time together, one new study may bring you a sigh of relief. According to a survey of 2,000 British adults who live with their romantic partners, outside of sleeping, the average couple spends just four hours per day in the same room with each other.

A few reasons for this, according to the survey results, were conflicting work hours, differing interests, and different bedtimes.

On average, British couples in the survey spend seven-and-a-half hours together in their house, but only 57% of this time is spent in the same room. Differing work hours and interests are the top reasons why couples are often apart. In all, 45% blame different interests from their partner, while 31% cite work hours. Thirty percent of couples have different bedtimes and therefore rarely go to bed at the same time.

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