Failed Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said in an interview on Friday that she is going to be president of the United States within the next 20 years.
In an interview with FiveThirtyEight, Abrams was asked if America will elect a black woman to be president by 2040.
“Do you think the country will elect a woman president in the next 20 years?” reporter Clare Malone asked.
“Yes, absolutely,” Abrams responded.
“Do you think it will elect a black woman?” Malone asked.
“Yes, absolutely,” Abrams answered.
“Do you think they’ll elect you?” Malone pressed.
“Yes, I do. That’s my plan. And I’m very pragmatic,” Abrams replied.
Fox News noted that Abrams has never held a higher elected position than a being a member of the Georgia House of Representatives.
Abrams gained notoriety after she lost in Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial race to Republican Brian Kemp because she refused to acknowledge that she lost the race fair and square and instead insisted, without evidence, to suggest that the race was rigged and even falsely claimed that she won.
Abrams unwillingness to acknowledge that she lost the fair election directly contradicts past statements that she made about those who do not accept election results.
In an interview with CNBC’s Andrew Sorkin in October 2016, Abrams slammed the idea that then-candidate Donald Trump may not accept the results of the 2016 election.
“You’re in a state that if it does go to Trump, we may still have a national election in which Hillary Clinton were to win,” Sorkin said. “One of the articles in USA Today this morning, suggest that 4 out of 10 Trump supporters would not recognize such a win if that were the case.”
“What does that mean for a state like this?” Sorkin asked.
“I think what it signals is a shifting of our politics that we’re going to have to work together to shift back,” Abrams replied. “The rancor that pervaded this campaign is disturbing and it is distressing, but it is also a fixable problem. The enthusiasm for Sarah Palin had a similar bent but we eventually found our way back to being good citizens and I think we’ll do the same.”
In an interview on MSNBC, Abrams claimed without evidence: “I think the election was stolen from the people of Georgia.”
Following his victory in the election, Kemp said, “We saw the ‘easy to vote’ part — we had 1.4 million more voters in this election than we did in the last governor’s race. A historic turnout. We have a million more people on the rolls because I pushed for and implemented online voter registration where people could register to vote 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If my opponent and her activist groups had used the online system, they wouldn’t have had as many problems as they did with the folks that they were registering.”
Kemp also directly pushed back on Abrams’ unsubstantiated claims that he set up fewer polling places in urban areas.
“Well, that’s just a mistruth. The county elections officials, the local elections boards have the sole responsibility for how many polling locations they have and where they are,” Kemp said. “That has been the rule of law and the way it works in Georgia under Republican and Democrat Secretaries of State. So that’s just not true. And by the way, the one county that this was an issue with before the election, they’re controlled by Democrats. She’s blaming me for a problem that they created and it’s just ridiculous.”
“We have laws on the books in Georgia, and I know she may not like some of the laws, but we take an oath of office and the county officials have a duty to follow the law and the elections rules that we have in our state,” Kemp continued. “We check citizenship. We require people to show photo ID when they vote. And we verify this information before people go on the voter rolls.”